My workout routine on the go

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About 11 months ago I decided to make exercise part of my life. The thing is, I was never a particularly sporty girl. Somehow I was always too lazy to move my body, and I always preferred a book to any kind of physical workout. Well, slowly but steadily I started to notice that my body changes, and not necessarily in a good way. I had to do something against it, and exercise was the natural course of action. It would prove to be the best decision ever. As so often in life, the beginning is hard. When I started out I’d often feel like a hippo, trying to fight gravity. But you know what? With every day that went by, with every week I stuck with my routine, it got easier.

In cooperation with Nike

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If training is hard, train more.

Working out has become of my normal daily routine. Sometimes it can be challenging to make the time, with all that’s going on professionally. Especially in a freelance life like the one I’m living, with so much traveling and a general lack of stable structure. So, with all that in mind, I decided to share 3 tips with you, how to keep your exercise routine going, even if you’re on the road a lot.

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Always pack your workout clothes

This is probably the most crucial tip of the three. Not only is it rather difficult to exercise without suitable shoes, it’s also easier to motivate yourself to get up and do it when you packed some kind of basic equipment – else you’d have packed your shoes for nothing, after all. I usually try to pack as little as humanly possible, so bringing an extra pair of shoes with me really motivates me to then actually use them. Especially in instances when I travel with hand luggage only – it’s just too frustrating to bring sports wear and then not to use it, i.e. to have wasted my precious luggage space. Plus, let’s be honest, sports shoes and gear like for example the new Nike tights are so light these days that you will almost always be able squeeze them in somehow.

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Does the hotel have a gym? Not too long ago this would never have mattered. But these days, I check whether the hotel I’m booking with has a gym, right after making sure I have a decent internet connections. Doesn’t always work out that way, but I do my very best to pick locations that are close to gyms, if the hotel itself doesn’t have a dedicated gym. It should be noted that the ‘gym’ is actually often a euphemism. Well, let’s say the range of gyms you encounter in hotels is pretty wide, from fully blown workout paradises to tiny chambers with one measly workout device (in one memorable instance I saw a gym devoid of any form of weights, but with plenty of exercise balls). Either way, having any kind of gym in the hotel helps, big time. And in cases where they don’t have integrated facilities, the staff can often recommend gyms close by, ideally ones that offer single day passes. And if that falls through as well, there’s always plan B: put on your shoes and run a couple of blocks.

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Find a rhythm Even though it can be very difficult, I do my best to schedule regular exercise slots when I plan my days, which often means I plan my day around the exercise itself. This often means having to get up an hour earlier, which in turn means I need to go to bed earlier as well, so I have to wash my hair earlier, and so on. It can take quite a bit of commitment to plan the day like this, but you know how it goes: where there’s a will, there’s a way.

my work out routine with nike  | sports | training | the perfect outfit for your HIIT training | experience with BBG / Sweat App from Kayla Itsnes

By the way, I put together a workout program together with a Nike Coach and Instyle, inspired by the Nike app, for which you need no equipment and which is really easy to do whenever you have a little extra time. Come on, let’s do this! No more excuses!

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14 Kommentare

  1. Ich liebe Deine Kooperationen mit Nike bisher!
    Sehr gern browse ich bei Instagram den #nikerunning-Tag, um mir Motivation zu holen und zu gucken, wie Nike-Kleidung an Körpern aussieht. Bei Dir bekommt man dieses mit wunderschönen Filtern und High-Resolution und einer Geschichte dazu <3

    Danke. Sehr gern mehr davon. Du machst die Marke sehr sympathisch und bist ein wundervoller Spokes(wo)man dafür!

  2. Ich hab bei Hotels ehrlich gesagt noch nie auf ein Fitness-Studio geachtet :D Momentan mach ich sowieso kaum gezielt Sport, ich halte mich mehr dadurch fit, dass ich permanent auf Reisen bin und mich somit im Alltag viel bewege und oft viel schleppen muss, wenn ich irgendwo arbeite ..

    ich wünsche dir einen schönen sonntag :)

  3. Wow, ich liebe ja deine Outfit Photos, aber ich bewundere wie du einfach für jedes Thema den perfekten Beitrag und dazu passende Photos machst. Ich liebe ja die Nike App und trainiere sehr gerne damit.
    Die Workout Klamotten stehen dir übrigens auch mega gut!
    xxx, Sandra

  4. Danke für die Tipps! Ich bin immer so viel glücklicher, wenn ich Sport gemacht habe. Klar, vor dem Sport fällt es mir manchmal auch schwer, mich zu motivieren, aber das Gefühl danach ist unbezahlbar.

    Ich werde dein Programm auf jeden Fall mal ausprobieren (HIIT ist immer gut;D). Momentan liebe ich Ballett Beautiful, die Videos auf Youtube mache ich andauernd;D

    Alles Liebe,